History of Fast Food
This is the history of fast food. This site says, first McDonalds awarded Japanese prize because McDonalds "improved" nutrition. So in past Japan, People thought fast food is not so bad for health. There is some interesting history about fast food.
Calorie of Fast Food
This site is written about calories of fast food. Fast foods have very high calorie and balance of nutrient is very bad. If you want to eat fast food, watch this site, check the calorie and then, order carefully.
Super Size Me(Japanese)
Super Size Me(English)
This is the movie of America. It looks funny movie but this movie suggest that how dangerous of fast food. Director of this movie Morgan Supurlock tries to eat McDonalds for a month, and research change of his condition. He eats McDonalds every day, every meal. If you interested in this information you should watch this movie.
This is the history of fast food. This site says, first McDonalds awarded Japanese prize because McDonalds "improved" nutrition. So in past Japan, People thought fast food is not so bad for health. There is some interesting history about fast food.
Calorie of Fast Food
This site is written about calories of fast food. Fast foods have very high calorie and balance of nutrient is very bad. If you want to eat fast food, watch this site, check the calorie and then, order carefully.
Super Size Me(Japanese)
Super Size Me(English)
This is the movie of America. It looks funny movie but this movie suggest that how dangerous of fast food. Director of this movie Morgan Supurlock tries to eat McDonalds for a month, and research change of his condition. He eats McDonalds every day, every meal. If you interested in this information you should watch this movie.